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Weekly interviews with best-selling authors, innovative thought-leaders and top-shelf executives sharing techniques and tips for business and career success. Listen for three action items you can use today.

May 30, 2020

Antonio Garrido discusses his book "The 21st Century Ride Along" and how sales leaders can develop their teams in real-time sales calls. What's a sales team to do right now in the mist of Covid-19? What are best practices for sales teams suddenly thrust into a virtual team environment? In a newly-virtual world, are...

May 16, 2020

Rebecca Henderson discusses her book "Reimagining Capitalism in a World on Fire." Rebecca is a professor at Harvard University, where she has a joint appointment at the Harvard Business School in the General Management and Strategy units.  She teaches in the MBA Program at Harvard. Rebecca spent the first 21 years of...

May 2, 2020

John O'Leary discusses his book "In Awe" and how to unleash inspiration, meaning, and joy in what you do by rediscovering your childlike wonder. When he was 9 years old, John had a horrific accident left him with burns on 100% of his body. That story is told in his best-selling book, "On Fire." Now John explores lessons...